摄影 · Eddie Chang



(A) ——(拌匀休息6小时

糖浆 120克

枧水 1 茶匙


面粉 2 大匙


低筋面粉 150克


(C)  涂饼面用奶液:

淡奶 2 大匙

蜜糖 ½ 茶匙

(D)  素蛋王材料:

绿豆片 100克 (浸水3小时)

红萝卜 120克

芝士  80克

  1 ½  大匙

盐、糖各  ½ 茶匙

橙红色素  1 滴 (随喜)

(E)  馅料:

莲蓉  800克

瓜仁  适量


1. 素蛋王:红萝卜蒸熟压成泥,绿豆片浸水3小时滤干,蒸35分钟后压烂备用。

2. 烧热(D)材料油1 ½ 大匙,加入芝士,慢火煮溶,再加入所有(D)料。慢火煮至不粘锅,上碟分出每粒18克做成素蛋王。

3. 月饼:将皮(A)料拌匀,休息6小时后加入(B)料拌匀成面团,再休息面团½ 小时左右至面团不粘手,分出每等份料40克备用。

4. 馅料:莲蓉加入瓜仁分出每等份130克,包入1粒素蛋王,搓圆,备用。

5. 1份皮料压平,包入1份莲蓉馅料,放入月饼模压平敲出,至全部做完。

6. 预热烘炉190◦C烘月饼10分钟,取出涂上(C)淡奶液,再回炉烘10分钟即成。

Traditional Mooncake with Vegan Egg yolk


Soft crust ingredients:

(A)  ——mix well and rest for 6 hrs

120g  golden syrup

30g  oil                                

1 tsp  alkaline water         

2 tbsp  flour



150 g  low gluten flour


(C) Milk for brushing:

2  tbsp  fresh milk

½  tsp  honey


(D)  Vegan egg yolk ingredients

100g  mung bean slices  (soak in water for 3 hours)

120g  carrot

80g  cheese

1 ½ tbsp  oil               

½ tsp  salt

½ tsp  sugar

1 drop  orange red pigment (optional)


(E)  Filling

800 g  lotus paste

Some  melon seeds



1.  Making egg yolk:  Steam and mash carrot.  Drain mung beans slices, steam for 35 minutes and mashed.  Set aside.

2.  Saute cheese with 1 ½ tbsp. of oil under low heat until the cheese fully melt. Add the remaining ingredients (D). Cook under low heat until the mixture is not sticky.  Dish out and divide into 18g portion each and roll to form vegan egg yolk.

3.  Method for making mooncake:  Mix ingredients (A) and (B) and knead into a dough.  Rest the dough for about 1 ½ hours until it is not sticky.  Divide the dough into portions of 40g each.  Set aside.

4.  Filling:  Add melon seeds into the lotus paste.  Divide into portions of 130g each. Wrap vegan egg with lotus paste.  Roll it to form a ball.  Set aside.

5.  Flatten the dough (method 3) above. Wrap lotus filling with dough.  Press into a mould and knock out the mooncake.

6.  Bake the mooncake in preheated oven at 190◦C for 10 minutes.  Remove from the oven and brush with ingredients (C) milk mixture.  Return the mooncake to bake for another 10 minutes.



 (A) 皮料 

糖浆   115克

花生油   60克

枧水   ½ 茶匙

面粉  1 大匙

(B) 拌匀过筛——

香港面粉   140克

小苏打粉    ¼ 茶匙

发粉  ¼  茶匙  

(C) 配料:烘香——

南瓜仁  25克

葵花仁  20克

瓜仁  20克


杏仁(条状) 25克

黑芝麻  1 茶匙

蔓越莓  30克 (切粒)

花生酱  25克


(E) 涂饼面用奶液:

淡奶   2 大匙

蜜糖  ½ 茶匙




  1.  (A) 料拌匀,6小时后备用。
  2. 拌匀(C)(D) 加入已筛过的(B)料,拌匀后加入做法(1)料(已休息6小时后的 (A) 料),用手轻拌匀成面团,盖住再休面团1小时左右(面团不粘手),分出30克1等份面团,用小模型按出小饼,排在烤盘,预热180◦C烤8分钟,取出待温涂上(D)料奶液,再烤10分钟即成。



Nutty Moonlight Biscuits


(A)  Soft crust ingredients:

115 g  golden syrup

60 g  peanut oil

½ tsp  alkaline water

1 tbsp  flour



140 g  HK flour

¼ tsp  baking soda

¼ tsp  baking powder


(C) Matching ingredients - Baked

25 g  pumpking kernel

20 g  sunflower seeds

20 g  melon seeds               

25 g  almond



1 tsp  black sesame

30 g  cranberry (diced)

25 g  peanut butter


(E) Milk for brushing:

2 tbsp  fresh milk

½ tsp  honey

A bit of coco powder



  1. Mix well ingredients (A) and rest for 6 hours.
  2. Mix well ingredients (C) and add Ingredients (B) which have been sieved, And mix well, after that add in ingredients (A) which have been rested for 6 hours. And then knead into a dough, cover the dough with cling wrap to rest for 1 hour and then divide it into 30g portion each. After that press out biscuits with a small mould and arrange them in a baking tray. Bake the biscuits in a preheat oven at 180◦C for 8 minutes. Remove from oven to cool down and brush with ingredients (D) milk mixture. Finally rebake them for another 10 minutes.



(A) 皮料:

牛油  150克

糖粉  40克           

淡奶  1 ½ 大匙

云尼拉香精  ½ 茶匙



吉士粉(蛋王粉)  15克

芝士粉  15克

栗粉  1大匙

中筋面粉  180克

发粉  ½ 茶匙


(C) 馅料:

玫瑰红豆沙  600克

瓜仁   30克


(D) 素蛋王6粒



(E) 涂饼面用奶液:

淡奶 2 大匙

蜜糖  ½ 茶匙



  1. 馅料 (C)料分出6等份,每一等份包入1粒素蛋黄,搓圆备用。
  2. 皮料(A)料用搅拌机打至均匀,拌入(B)料拌成软面团,放入冰箱冷藏45分钟,取出分出6等份。 
  3. 取1等份皮料压平包入一份豆沙馅料,包好抹上(E)奶液,洒少许瓜仁装饰。
  4. 预热烘炉180C 烧至金黄色即成。


Cheese Mooncake ( Chinese and Western combination)


(A)  Soft crust ingredients:

150 g  butter

40 g  icing sugar

1 tbsp  fresh milk

½ tsp  vanilla essence



15 g custard powder

15 g cheese powder

1 tbsp  corn flour

180 g medium gluten flour

½ tsp baking powder


(C) Filling:

600 g  red bean paste

30 g  melon seeds



6 pieces vegan egg yolk

* Please refer to method in Traditional Vegan Egg Yolk Mooncake


(E)Milk for brushing:

2 tbsp  fresh milk

½ tsp  honey


  1. Filling: Divide ingredients (C) into 6 equal portions. Wrap 1 egg yolk in each portion and roll into round shape. Set aside.
  2. Soft Crust:  Blend ingredients (A) with a blender. Add ingredients (B) and knead into a soft dough. Store in refrigerator for 45 minutes. Remove and divide into 6 equal portions.
  3. Flatten the dough. Wrap bean paste filling with each portion of dough.  Brush with milk mixture and garnish with some melon seeds.
  4. Bake the mooncake in preheated oven at 180C until golden brown.

— 摘自《慈悲》杂志109期



