【 心·闻·串·烧 





惟今年盂兰盆节仍在疫情环境下,马来西亚宏慈佛教会(Malaysia Maha Karuna Buddhist Society)不设实体盂兰盆法会。大和尚斯里沙拉南长老慈悲应许,让义工行政团队接收并整理名单以供大和尚为信众诵经祈求以此功德回向信众之先人,尤其方便居住远处之佛弟子无法前往佛堂为已故亲人做功德之遗憾。





However, this year Ullambana Festival is still under the pneumonia epidemic. The Malaysia Maha Karuna Buddhist Society did not hold any ground prayer ceremony for the purpose. The great monk, Chief Rev B. Sri Saranankara Maha Thero is compassionate to let the voluntary administrator team receive and sort out the name list from public, for sutras recitation and merit transference to the ancestors of the devotees. It is especially to let the devotees have no regrets, for those who live far away that not able to go to the temple for meritorious deeds in the name of the departed one or those unable to visit the graves.

Even so, devotees can still practice together through the network on the evening of 21 August 2021, reciting the sutras at home, and perform the merits transference to the departed loved ones under the guidance of the Chief Reverend B.Sri Saranankara.

The Malaysia Maha Karuna Buddhist Society hopes that during this epidemic, Buddhist disciples can express filial piety and commemorate their ancestors, and while doing good deeds for the ancestors, the the living sentient beings live in peace. Both are benefited.

With this merit, we pray that the Three Jewels blessings will be strengthened, and the global epidemic will be relieved as soon as possible, and the country and the people will be peaceful; the present parents will be physically and mentally healthy, increase happiness and prolong life; deceased parents and ancestors will be reborn at a better place or attain ultimate bliss of nibbana; The ten directions sentient beings are blessed and free from sufferings, and soon achieve enlingthenment.


