摄影 · 普普



200g克 生香菇

50克 杏鲍菇

50克 白玉菇

30克 生云茸

50克 马蹄

30克 素火腿

6克 姜

80克 面粉

15粒 豆筋


2克 海盐

3克 蘑菇精

1克 胡椒粉

1克 五香粉


3片 姜

3克 麻油

2克 酱油

3克 素蚝油

2克 糖

2克 蘑菇精

100克 清水

少许 粟粉+水勾芡


1) 把菇类去蒂洗净,马蹄去皮,洗净滤干水份。

2) 菌菇类,马蹄,素火腿和姜全部切碎或搅拌机打碎。

3) 切碎后加入面粉和调味料拌匀,摔打至紧搓成丸子。

4) 豆筋浸软酿入丸子,碟子上油排上酿好的豆筋,盛入蒸炉蒸15分钟,取出和蔬菜摆盘。

5) 起锅下麻油爆香姜片,加入烧汁煮滚后   勾芡,淋在蒸好的酿豆筋上,即可食用。

Bean Gluten and Mushroom Balls


Ingredients :

200g raw shiitake mushrooms

50g king oyster mushroom

50g of white shimeji mushrooms

30g raw cloud ear 

50g water chestnut

30g vegetarian ham

6g ginger

80g flour

15 capsules of bean gluten


Seasoning : 

2g sea salt

3g mushroom seasoning

1g pepper

1g five spice powder    

Teriyaki sauce :

3 slices of ginger

3g sesame oil

2g soy sauce

3g vegetarian oyster sauce

2g sugar

2g mushroom seasoning

100g water

A little cornstarch + water to thicken the sauce


1. Remove stem and wash the mushrooms, peel the water chestnuts, wash and  drain the water.

2. Chop all the mushrooms, water chestnuts, veggie ham and ginger or use mixer to break it up.

3. Add flour and seasonings to the chopped ingredients and mix well.  Firmly roll into balls.

4.Soak the bean gluten  and stuff it into the balls, line a plate with the oil and place the stuffed bean gluten on it. Steam for 15 minutes in a steamer,  Remove from the steamer and arrange together With the vegetables on a plate.

5. Heat sesame oil and sauté ginger, add teriyaki sauce and bring to a boil, add in cornstarch+water for  thickening, pour over the steamed stuffed bean gluten and serve.




