— 瘦·身·餐 —
包菜花 300克
豆干 1块
豆角 20克 (切细)
杏鲍菇 30克 (切细)
冷冻什豆 50克 (飞水备用)
油 1 ½大匙
姜末 1茶匙
盐 1/8 茶匙
香菇味素 ½茶匙
麻油 1茶匙
胡椒粉 少许
咖喱粉 1茶匙
2)烧热1 ½大匙油爆香姜末,加入豆角炒至翠绿,加入杏鲍菇炒香,再加入包菜花粒、豆干碎及什豆大火快炒,最后加调味料炒香上碟。
注:豆干做法 : 豆干先用叉压成碎块状,锅内烧热少许油,放入豆干碎拌炒,加入1茶匙生抽,慢火煎香至金黄色。
Fried Rice with Curry Cauliflower
A) Ingredients:
300 g cauliflower
1 pc dry bean curd
20 g long bean (diced)
30 g king oyster mushroom (diced)
50 g frozen mixed beans (parboiled)
1 ½ tbsp oil
1 tsp ginger (chopped finely)
C) Seasoning Ingredients:
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp mushroom msg
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp curry powder
A bit of pepper powder
1.Cut cauliflower finely into the shape of rice. Blanch and drain, set aside.
2.Heat 1 ½ tsp oil to saute ginger, then add in long bean and stir fry until the long bean turn into emerald green. Immediately add in king oyster mushroom to fry until aromatic, and then add in cauliflower (rice), dry bean curd pieces and mixed beans and quick stir fry under high heat. Lower the heat, add in seasoning ingredients and fry until aromatic and dish out for serving.
Method of prepare dry bean curd:
Crush the bean curd with a fork. Fry the crushed bean curd with a bit of oil and light soy under low heat until the bean curd turn golden yellow.
素 食 好 煮 意 生 活 更 写 意
· 陈淑娴居士来自厨艺世家,曾到中港美及印度取经。
· 陈居士推广素美食不遗余力,于八打灵观音亭开设素食烹饪班长达30年。
· 目前任泛亚马姑苏行酒楼联合总会厨师培训班高级讲师并获颁教授证书,教授素食烹饪。