| 眼 镜 蛇
Mental activity is like a deadly, poisonous cobra. If we don’t interfere with a cobra, it simply goes its own way. Even though it may be extremely poisonous, we are not affected by it. We don’t go near it, or take hold of it, and so it doesn’t bite us. The cobra does what is natural for a cobra to do. That’s the way it is. If you are clever, you’ll leave it alone. Likewise, you let be that which is not good - you let it be according to its own nature. You also let be that which is good. Don’t grab at liking and disliking, just as you wouldn’t grab at the cobra. One who is clever will have this kind of attitude towards the various moods that arise in his mind. When goodness arises, we let it be good. We understand its nature. In the same, we let be the non-good. We let it be according to its nature. We don’t take hold of it because we don’t want anything. We don’t want evil. We don’t want good. We don’t want heaviness or lightness, happiness or suffering. When our wanting is at an end, peace is firmly established.
| 椰 子 壳
|Coconut Shells
Desire is a defilement. But we must first have desire in order to start practicing the Way. Suppose you went to buy coconuts at the market and while carrying them back home someone asked: “Why did you buy those coconuts?” “I bought them to eat,” you reply. “Are you going to eat the shells, too?” “Of course not!” “I don’t believe you,” he insists. “If you’re not going to eat the shells, then why did you buy them?” Well, what do you say? How are you going to answer that question?
We practice with desire to begin with. If we didn’t have desire, we wouldn’t practice. Contemplating in this way can give rise to wisdom, you know. For example, those coconuts: Are you going to eat the shells as well? Of course not. Then why do you take them? They’re useful for wrapping the coconuts in. If after eating the coconuts you throw the shells away, there is no problem. Our practice is the same. We keep desire first, just like we do with the coconut shells, for it’s still not time to “throw” it away. This is how the practice is. If somebody wants to accuse us of eating coconut shells, that’s their business. We know what we’re doing.
| 烹 饪
At first, we train the body and speech to be free of unwholesomeness. This is virtue. Some people think that to have virtue you must memorize Pali phrases and chant all day and night, but really all you have to do is make your body and speech blameless, and that’s virtue. It’s not so difficult to understand. It’s just like cooking food - put in a little bit of this and a little bit of that until it’s just right and it’s delicious. And once it’s delicious, you don’t have to put anything else into it. The right ingredients have already been added. In the same way, taking care that our actions and speech are proper will give us delicious virtue, virtue that is just right.
- 阿姜查弘法系列之《森林里的一棵树》Dharma Verses from "A tree in the forest" by Ajahn Chah